Reiki at the Oak Park River Forest Health Fair

One of our newest volunteers has close ties to the Oak Park Chamber of Commerce and asked us to offer our services at their 8th Annual Health and Wellness Fair. It’s a bit outside our usual stomping grounds, but we wanted to help her out and it looked to be a well-attended event (translation: opportunity to connect a lot of people to Reiki and their fundamental energetic and spiritual nature). So we did it!

Favorite feedback: “My father passed away last year and I heard him speak to me. You created a bubble. Your spirit is beautiful.”

The spiritual realm is at a high vibration, not usually available to our physical senses, but when we raise our vibration, as can happen with Reiki, it can become perceptible. It’s not a given, but not entirely uncommon for people to sense a spiritual presence when working with or receiving Reiki—even newbies.

Bonus: We ended up on WGN, both morning and evening news! You can watch our segments by clicking the screen cap below.

^^ Click this image to see Reiki featured on WGN! ^^

Great job, everyone!

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And feel free to share your experiences in Reiki outreach with us—we love to hear from our counterparts around the country!

Here's to promoting peace through energy healing!
If you'd like us to visit your workplace, please get in touch.
If you're a Reiki channel who would like to join us in our outreach efforts, we'd love to meet you!
Here’s where you’ll find more info about how to get the process started.